The friendly environment practices aren´t something you learn at school or college, in general, this society doesn’t encourage the culture of taking care of our environment. As the individualism it’s more promoted than the collectivism, the people doesn´t concerns about anything that isn’t from its propriety.
I’m not the queen of ecology, but I try to take care of the places that belong to everybody. I don’t throw trash in the floor, and I have put some plants outside, also giving some color to the walls is taking care of the environment, that way it’s nicer to everybody.
I have never join to an eco- organization, honestly because I don’t like them, taking the risk of been unpopular, I think there are more important problems in our society, and I prefer to spend my time in those things. That doesn’t mean I like contamination and the destruction of the planet, but I think that if the people could take more conscience about their own neighbors, and the different governments’ didn’t let the big companies do whatever they want with our land, the things would be very different.
I also ride a lot in my bike, some days at the week I go from my house in Peñalolen to College in Macul, on my bike, It’s not too long, I take like 15 minutes when I’m in a hurry, and I save the money from the Transantiago (at bus I take like 30 minutes). That way I also reduce my carbon foot print.
I think the city should have more trushcans, because sometimes you can’t save the trash until your house (for example an empty yogurt or a banana peel ). And there should be more public bathrooms, because the people pee everywhere.
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