When I was a child, I loved Christmas, after my birthday it was my favorite day of the year. All the family got together and as I’m the only girl I had always more presents that my male cousins (they didn’t thought it was fare… I never understand why). After, when I become an atheist, and we were all grownups, we stop giving presents to everybody and we start playing to the secret friend. That way we spend less money on presents, everybody got something and we focus on the family celebration.
Anyway, I love to give gifts to my loved people. I love to choose the perfect gift and see the face of happiness of the others. I also love receiving gifs, especially when the other person knows my tastes and needs.
As in my family we play to the secret friend, we decide the minimum price of the gift, it has to be at least 5 thousand pesos, and we don’t have a maximum. The price of my gifts depends on how big it’s my wallet. This year my wallet was pretty stunted, so I stayed on the minimum. My secret friend was my sister in law and I gave to her a very pretty Mafalda’s agenda.
It’s easier to me to find good gifts to women than guys; I always have headaches thinking on the perfect gifts for men. For example, when I look for presents to my dad, I always look for a perfect gift, and I always end giving him a shirt, or a scarf, or some socks. Instead for my mom, there are so many things that I know she would love.
When I can’t think in any perfect gift, I prefer to make a fun panorama.